Friday, March 24, 2006

Photo docutmentation of the afore-mentioned incident

As eluded to in the comment section of the previous post, I had a little incident in the parking lot at Kicking Horse. We were leaving on Sunday, all of the skiing behind us with, surprisingly, very little carnage to speak of in the Kate department. I am somewhat famous for spectacular wipe-outs/face-plants/tree-hugs, but this weekend I had kept it to a minimum... only one face-plant and one tree-hug! So there I am, walking to the car, singing very obnoxiously loudly to Stairway to Heaven, which was playing on the loud-speaker. All of the sudden, BAM! I was on my face with my skis coming down and landing on the back of my head. Apparently it looked pretty nasty because nobody laughed until I did. Anyway, a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll shut up and let it do the talking...

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